The beverages that have flooded the market in their bid to meet our need for convenience and good taste usually contain harmful preservatives and artificial flavors. These flavorants are encompassed by trans fats as being among the most dangerous. Linked to numerous processed foods, drinks sweetened with trans fats could also be dangerous to human health.
What Are Trans Fats?
Trans fats, or trans fatty acids, can be a kind of unsaturated fat that exists in small quantities for natural productions but is mostly produced by industrial hydrogenation. This one includes blending vegetable oil with hydrogen, making the substance semi-solid. This modification makes the product have a better shelf life and better flavor, hence making manufacturers prefer the process.
The Sneaky Presence in Drinks
Traditionally, most trans fats can be found in snacks, cookies, cakes, and fried foods but can also be in certain drinks. Some of the notorious products are creamy coffee drinks, hot chocolates, and some smoothies, some of which contain partially hydrogenated oils and highly processed trans fats. Also, some non-dairy creamers, such as canned frosting, whipped toppings, and flavored syrups that are added to beverages, can cause them.
Potential Health Issues of Trans Fats
The consumption of trans fats is linked to several severe health issues:The consumption of trans fats is linked to several severe health issues:
Heart Disease:
Trans fats increase LDL cholesterol, often called the ‘bad cholesterol', while decreasing the levels of HDL cholesterol, ‘the good cholesterol’. This imbalance poses a great danger of being affected by diseases related to the heart, which include heart attacks and strokes.
The consumption of trans fats leads to inflammation, which is a key element linked to arthritis, diabetes, and certain cancers. Inflammatory processes are known to have a negative impact on the condition of the blood vessels, increasing their propensity to be blocked as well as to accumulate plague.
If one tends to consume trans fats, they are bound to gain weight and even experience obesity. These fats are calorie-dense, and they change the body’s hormonal response to appetite control and fat storage and make weight gain more probable and weight loss harder.
The current literature also reveals that trans fatty acids affect insulin sensitivity, hence contributing to type 2 diabetes. This is especially grievous given the fact that the global rates of diabetes are set to rise even further.
Wrapping up
This way, by being attentive and making better choices, we can drastically decrease the consumption of trans fats and ensure our health. These simple swaps to our beverage choice can result in a positive shift to our diet and the quality of life. When you next time draw hand for a refreshing beverage, choose Hon, as it's curated with a line of premium ingredients with zero trans fat and sugar content.